Displaying standard output and copying to file (tee command)

Command tee writes the standard output and copies it into the specified file or files. Use the tee command to view your output immediately and at the same time, store it for future use.

For example, the following will display the out and write to the ziabs.txt file
ls | tee ziabs.txt
If we want copy to the multiple file just pass the file names in sequence
ps -aux | tee ziabs.txt ps.log

tee with append option

We can use tee with append option for that need to pass the -a flag
ls | tee -a ziabs.txt

Manual page of tee (man tee)

       tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
       tee [OPTION]... [FILE]...
       Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.
       -a, --append
              append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
        -i, --ignore-interrupts
              ignore interrupt signals
        -p     diagnose errors writing to non pipes
              set behavior on write error.  See MODE below
       --help display this help and exit
              output version information and exit

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ziabs @ 16 Sep 2022