Changing Linux User Password Using Terminal

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to change the user password in Linux. The instructions given below can work on any Linux distribution. The passwd command is used to update or change the user’s password.There are two types of users; normal users, and the root user. The normal user can only change his account password but superuser i.e. root can change the password of itself as well as of any user account present in the Linux operating system.
Let’s discuss the guidelines to changing password.
To change a password of a user, first sign on to the "root" account.
Example: su root
Then type : passwd USER-NAME Where `USER-NAME` is the username for the password you are changing.
Now the system will prompt you to Enter new UNIX password , and Retype new UNIX password.


You can also change your own password, by typing passwd (without specifying a username). You will be prompted to enter your old password for verification, and then a new password.

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ziabs @ 31 May 2020